Monday, November 10, 2008

Module Eight - Final Project Discussions

As we start module eight for finalizing our projects; the wide range and wealth of ideas from the class is certainly stimulating. When I see all the ways that a variety of learning needs can met with the various tools, it is indeed exciting. I'm looking at submitting both of my online courses for the 'seal of approval' for Quality Matters. This is a testament to a quality online course that have met all the criteria that are established in the educational arena for higher end learning in the virtual world.

I am impressed with the ideas for how various assessment tools can be applied in the online classroom. As time allows, mostly likely after this course has been completed, it will allow me to evaluate at greater depth these tools and 'practice' using some of the sites such as Google Docs, Web2.0, voice thread, audacity, podcasting, Zoho, etc. Right now, it almost a little overwhelming with all the options. I will need time to assess and evaluate what types of activities will best 'fit' the tool. My plan is to start with the backward design and look my overall course competencies, the specific learning objectives and then build the activity. As I said, I'm very impressed with the use of 'jigsaw' and how we can all learn in a collaborative fashion :-) Jeanne

Addendum on 11/13/08: With all the variety of assessment tools, I'm passing along some advice to not implement too many of them all at the same time. From experience, add slowly and allow yourself to evaluate the process and effectiveness of the tool. Sometimes just 'swapping' out two tools can make a real difference. Another thing to consider is the 'design' of the activity or how the course is laid out. It may take some 'tweaking' and trial and error; as least that was my experience as I started from scratch without taking any e-learning courses. This just helps to validate what I have been doing.

I've tried to attach my word document for my final project, but it appears with blogger that I need to make a URL link in order to do this . . . . . so I refer you the class discussion forum. Thanks for listening. Jeanne

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