Monday, November 10, 2008

Module Eight - Self Achievement

This morning, Nov 10th, I was at UW-Stout, bright and early, to present my preliminary oral defense for my thesis/research field study proposal. This is a 6-credit course as the last requirement for my research project for education specialist degree (a step above the masters degree).

Despite feeling less than prepared, or should I say overprepared, I passed the oral portion and was very much encouraged by the feedback from my committee members to help strengthen my study by focusing on a particular purpose.

Feeling less than prepared is part of my detail oriented style and Type A personality :-) I actually had more data than I needed and will need to work to condense my actual study, so better than needing more research! Can you image that I actually had enough data for 7 (seven)different studies and my committee members had to smile and offered great feedback to condense my focus on the graduates perceived level of preparedness with correlation to their RN predictor scores and NCLEX pass rates.

Just sharing my morning and self achievement . . . basically to relieve that feeling of anxiety . . . . . . . . . . . . now I can breathe and relax and bit . . . . . then I need to get to work on those revisions so I can finalize my research tool in which to collect my data! Jeanne

1 comment:

Paula said...

Jeanne: How amazing - congratulations on your oral defense. Sounds like this final project was the least of your worries! Really enjoyed reading your work.