Monday, November 10, 2008

Module Eight - Self Achievement

This morning, Nov 10th, I was at UW-Stout, bright and early, to present my preliminary oral defense for my thesis/research field study proposal. This is a 6-credit course as the last requirement for my research project for education specialist degree (a step above the masters degree).

Despite feeling less than prepared, or should I say overprepared, I passed the oral portion and was very much encouraged by the feedback from my committee members to help strengthen my study by focusing on a particular purpose.

Feeling less than prepared is part of my detail oriented style and Type A personality :-) I actually had more data than I needed and will need to work to condense my actual study, so better than needing more research! Can you image that I actually had enough data for 7 (seven)different studies and my committee members had to smile and offered great feedback to condense my focus on the graduates perceived level of preparedness with correlation to their RN predictor scores and NCLEX pass rates.

Just sharing my morning and self achievement . . . basically to relieve that feeling of anxiety . . . . . . . . . . . . now I can breathe and relax and bit . . . . . then I need to get to work on those revisions so I can finalize my research tool in which to collect my data! Jeanne

Module Eight - Final Project Discussions

As we start module eight for finalizing our projects; the wide range and wealth of ideas from the class is certainly stimulating. When I see all the ways that a variety of learning needs can met with the various tools, it is indeed exciting. I'm looking at submitting both of my online courses for the 'seal of approval' for Quality Matters. This is a testament to a quality online course that have met all the criteria that are established in the educational arena for higher end learning in the virtual world.

I am impressed with the ideas for how various assessment tools can be applied in the online classroom. As time allows, mostly likely after this course has been completed, it will allow me to evaluate at greater depth these tools and 'practice' using some of the sites such as Google Docs, Web2.0, voice thread, audacity, podcasting, Zoho, etc. Right now, it almost a little overwhelming with all the options. I will need time to assess and evaluate what types of activities will best 'fit' the tool. My plan is to start with the backward design and look my overall course competencies, the specific learning objectives and then build the activity. As I said, I'm very impressed with the use of 'jigsaw' and how we can all learn in a collaborative fashion :-) Jeanne

Addendum on 11/13/08: With all the variety of assessment tools, I'm passing along some advice to not implement too many of them all at the same time. From experience, add slowly and allow yourself to evaluate the process and effectiveness of the tool. Sometimes just 'swapping' out two tools can make a real difference. Another thing to consider is the 'design' of the activity or how the course is laid out. It may take some 'tweaking' and trial and error; as least that was my experience as I started from scratch without taking any e-learning courses. This just helps to validate what I have been doing.

I've tried to attach my word document for my final project, but it appears with blogger that I need to make a URL link in order to do this . . . . . so I refer you the class discussion forum. Thanks for listening. Jeanne

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Module Seven - Final Project Update

After the live meeting today regarding our final project, I evaluated my own final project and came to a conclusion of my strengths and areas of growth yet.

Things that need improving or 'growth'

1. add the type of course management system I am using
2. add more specific data about my student population
3. tweak up how my learning objectives will be authentic -- ie apply to real life work scenario
4. add more information regarding diversity
5. add more information regarding plagiarism
6. tweak up the conclusion

Things that are looking great at this point

1. description of my course
2. final outcome objectives for the course (semester end competencies)
3. learning objectives (picked 4 different activities throughout the course and included one objective for each level of Bloom's taxonomy)
4. good introduction
5. have met the basic requirements in the rubric
5. have a solid foundation for each of the four assessment tools

Friday, October 31, 2008

Module Six - Final Project Update

Continuing from module five with final project update. . . . . . I have completed a rough draft of my four assessment tools. In my online course, nursing mental health and community concepts, I selected my four tools as: (1) Class Wiki (2) Class Blog (3) Individual Concept Map and (4) Class survey.

Class Wiki - developing a nursing care plan for a suicidal client
Class Blog - reflection on issues (ethical, legal, client rights, etc) for client with mania/anxiety
Individual Concept Map - connecting concepts with psychotropic drug administration
Class Survey - gathering data on the preparedness of the community for a disaster (ie - flooding)

I have included in my final project a description of each assessment tool, the target performance with rationale of why the particular tool would fit the activity, target competencies for each tool and learning objectives using all 6 levels for Bloom's taxonomy with a grading rubric.

Example: (condensed version) - Collaboration using a class wiki
Target Competency: Develop a nursing care plan for the client who is high risk for suicide

Learning Objectives using Bloom's Taxonomy
1. Knowledge - Identify risk factors for suicide
2. Comprehension - Discuss realistic and measurable goals for the suicidal client
3. Application - Apply mental health concepts for the depressed and suicidal client
4. Analysis - Analyze ethical and legal issues related to the high risk suicidal client
5. Synthesis - Create a nursing care plan for the high risk suicidal client
6. Evaluation - Assess the effectiveness of nursing interventions and outcomes for this client

A Wiki allows for multiple users to collaborate on developing a nursing care plan and will benefit in sharing of knowledge and ideas that will be individualized and 'fit' the particular client in the case scenario. Consideration needs to be given to a holistic approach involving physical, emotional, social, legal, ethical and spiritual needs. . . . . . . other assessments and more on class wiki in my final project as I continue to 'tweak' up my final project. Jeanne

Monday, October 27, 2008

Module Six - Cybercoaching

Cybercoaching is a term that is new to me. It makes sense, but not real sure what the term really means. In reflecting on the meaning of 'coach' it makes sense that the online instructor would be focusing on developing one's strengths by giving prompts and cues on how to further enhance their work.

One thing I find as a challenge is how to always present information in a positive manner and be sure it is constructive. Perhaps a greater challenge is how I can modify my course or teaching strategies to make the activities 'fit' the course competencies and learning objectives. This also comes with the challenge of meeting the needs of a diverse group of learners with providing feedback that is meaningful and with how to effectively assist students with applying that feedback at the higher end of learning. More to come after reviewing again the information on cybercoaching/Jeanne

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Module Six - Precourse Survey

In developing my course for online delivery, I had a survey that addresses online learning and readiness. I have condensed this to 10 questions to gain information about my students as it is helpful when students struggle and ask for advice on how to succeed on line.

This provides me information with how they are taking an online course, how many online courses they have already taken, what strategies they use for learning ie - how time is budgeted for the course, perception of skill with computerized assignments, when they plan to set aside time for the course and who may struggle as they prefer the audio, tactile or kinesthetic style of learning.

I included three open ended question to address concerns with online learning and the structure/formatting with cyber learning and the rest with multiple choice questions. I initially had trouble with inserting the link and got several errors messages that the 'tag line is closed' . . . ughhh! . . . . what does that mean? . . . so now 2 hours later with trial and error, the link is ready after a learning curve

. . . . . well, now 24 hours later, I realize I didn't read thoroughly enough the directions and have redone the survey creating all open ended questions :-) and I wonder sometimes why students don't follow directions or the criteria in the rubric!

The link is ready for you to take my survey. Click on the link below for my precourse survey in Nursing Mental Health that was created using I welcome feedback for improvements/Jeanne/EC,WI

Module Five - Plagiarism

Plagiarism is an issue that, I feel, is often overlooked by students and instructors alike. We caught up in the expansive flow of information via the world wide web that citing sources is sitting on the 'back burner' with documentation.

Part of this, I feel, is from budget 'crunches' that limited the availability of technology for instructors to track plagiarism. The other part could be time constraints. At the college in which I teach, the college has many resources on Blackboard that provides information on APA formatting, citing sources, plagiarism, etc., yet it can be a problem.

I do feel that by having group work, it helps to keep each other 'in check' and there is a greater degree of ethical behaviors with producing a project together. The other thing that I have found helpful is to show example of how to paraphrase and rewrite an idea with examples of citation. I also include this as part of my grading rubric. Jeanne/EC,WI