Saturday, October 25, 2008

Module Five - Plagiarism

Plagiarism is an issue that, I feel, is often overlooked by students and instructors alike. We caught up in the expansive flow of information via the world wide web that citing sources is sitting on the 'back burner' with documentation.

Part of this, I feel, is from budget 'crunches' that limited the availability of technology for instructors to track plagiarism. The other part could be time constraints. At the college in which I teach, the college has many resources on Blackboard that provides information on APA formatting, citing sources, plagiarism, etc., yet it can be a problem.

I do feel that by having group work, it helps to keep each other 'in check' and there is a greater degree of ethical behaviors with producing a project together. The other thing that I have found helpful is to show example of how to paraphrase and rewrite an idea with examples of citation. I also include this as part of my grading rubric. Jeanne/EC,WI


Paula said...

Jeanne: I took a speech class that defined the different kinds of plagiarism but I wish someone had told me more about paraphrasing. I'd love to hear more about the activity you use.

Indiana University also has some examples of acceptable and unacceptable paraphrasing.

Jeanne said...

Thanks Paula,the student takes an actual nursing journal, finds an article of interest; then takes 3 paragraphs and 'rewrite' it with paraphrasing. The students must submit both the actual online article and their paraphrasing. Other students then provide feedback based on a list of criteria if it qualifies for acceptable use in a professional nursing paper. I think most students find it challenging to 'rewrite' and not change the meaning intended by the author. Jeanne