Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Module Three - Group #1 Team Project

For our midterm project, we were asked to use the 'jigsaw' method for a
cooperative learning experience exploring assessment tools. In group #1 are Nacy, Craig, Amy and myself. Craig got us going by making an
introduction to the group and inviting us to start the process of working
collaboratively for a common goal. Amy got us going with setting our
first deadline for our drafts with our research on our assessment tools to help focus us and build team cohesiveness. We haven't heard from Nancy so Craig volunteered to send her an email which was a nice gesture of teamwork :-) to keep our team moving in a forward direction and with enjoying the learning process over the next two weeks. Soon, we had all members making the initial contact so we could begin working on pieces of the assignment and interacting as a team.

It is always interesting to see how the group dynamics unfold. I tend to be an early 'poster' and like to get organized quickly to allow time for research. I like how we set our first deadline and I took the role of summarizing our expectations and with sending the first email to Datta for the group. We have a mix of early and frequent 'posters' to late 'posters' for the week.

By knowing our deadlines and tasks, it helps with reducing the frustration that can be experienced when working together when individual members have different needs and time availability. So what might seem like a long wait for one piece of the project, so the group can move forward, may really be very little time in the overall scheme of things; it is just taking on a different perspective with the group process.

I prefer more 'down' time on the weekends to spend with my family. My husband feels I have an 'addiction' to the computer and it is like my second husband : -) oh no! Anyway, I try to work on my class when he is at work so I don't feel guilty. Catch up with me next week with how our group worked to build our assessment toolbox. Jeanne/EC,WI

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