Monday, September 29, 2008

Module One - Interview

A learning activity in week one included interviewing a classmate, then posting an introduction. This format of learning is a nice breaker and also enables the learning to become familiar with the online discussion format.

Hi, I'm Jeanne and will introduce Deb. We are both registered nurses teaching in an associate degree nursing program. Deb currently teaches a blended/hybrid section of Medical-Surgical nursing at Rhodes State College in Lima, Ohio. She has taken online courses from both UCLA and UW-Stout and is pursuing the E-learning certificate to stay on the 'cutting edge' of online teaching in hopes to be promoted to full professor within the next two years . . . . Go Deb Go!!

Deb has been teaching for 20 years and has worked as a nurse in the Med/Surg and Critical Care areas and loves the diversity that exists with nursing as many opportunities exists for us. She loves both teaching and the art and science of bedside nursing. (I know there is at least one other nursing instructor in this class) :-)

She is also talented as she learned how to develop a Wiki this summer from a course she took and sounds like will be able to use those skills in this course also.

A secret is her hair color . . . . but I'm not gonna tell that secret and will keep you guessing!

She is POA for her mother whom she cherishes and is very special and dear to her. I guess I could say that her 'mom' was Deb's mentor in life.

A few things we have in common: We both have three grown children and love chocolate of any kind. Please welcome Deb to our class and we look forward to learning together. Jeanne G/Wisconsin


Datta Kaur said...

Jeanne, thanks for posting this interview. I can see that you are quite 'advanced' in your blogging skills. It looks like you've been 'at this for a while.' Very nice and love that you even could add a voting poll. ~ Datta Kaur

Jeanne said...

Wow, Datta, that is quite a compliment. This is my first creation of a blog site and my time ever at blogging. In fact, I didn't really know what to expect with the assignment, but soon became 'hooked' on adding and revising my blog. It was just a matter of exploring the links, gadgets, etc and making adjustments as I went along. Thanks for the vote of confidence. Jeanne