Monday, September 29, 2008

Module Two - Using Blogs

In reflecting on the study by Wang and Fang (2005) with using blogs for cooperative learning in my courses, the article sounded like using blogs was extremely positive based on some of the statistical data. However, I have some questions/doubts about their use. This is dependent on the number of user, the purpose of the blog, and the population of users that would be blogging.
Using blogs in my nursing theory courses has the potential for future application by using a case study with a few questions to stimulate critical thinking about the main concepts of the issue that is being addressed in the case study (a patient scenario).

Advantages: (1) small group with a common goal (2) interactive activity (3) potential with stimulating critical thinking (4) ability to process the concepts as a group with sharing reflections(4) accessible 24/7

Disadvantages: (1) technology issues; home computers with dial up access or no home computers(2) evaluation of learning; lots of reading on the part of the instructor, depending on length and number of students in the course, wonder if this is feasible(3) how to address inaccurate information or vague, limited data. I bring this up with the FERPA rights of students and confidentiality with feedback. I have seen students go right to the president of the college to complain about public feedback within the classroom or clinical site. They bypass the instructor, the nursing program director, the campus administrator, etc. Students have even complained to the Governor of the state and have filed lawsuits. (4) Wang & Fang cited that blogs promote an increase in autonomous learning. I'm not sure I buy into this as some students 'carry' other students by being the first to post and other students just summarize the same points. I tend to agree it could be used as building a sense of community among the students.I need more research on this aspect with using it as an assessment tool as I'm not experienced with blogs (5) Website being shut down (6) inappropriate use of the site for personal agenda; ie - how to monitor the site to maintain the integrity of its use. Jeanne/EC, WI


Datta Kaur said...


It is interesting that nursing student with no computers or dial-up would not be required to have a 'faster' option. These days most programs lay out minimal requirements even if students need to use computer labs or libraries. We are finally getting away from accommodating the less accessible student.

Otherwise we still might not be able to use podcast, slideshows etc...

Datta Kaur

Jeanne said...

At the college where I teach, they have tutorials and many 'helpful' tips with technology posted on the Blackboard course management system. It clearly states what is expected with online courses to be successful, yet I get students who do not own a computer and can only access the Internet at the college. This would be fine if they indeed spent the time that is needed while at the college, but usually do not and then fall behind or drop from the class. Jeanne