Monday, September 29, 2008

Module One - Wiki Experience

I found working on the class Wiki to be frustrating and would often find 'error page' or was unable to log in after creating my account. However, I was able to get into the class Wiki and provide my input and could view other's postings. The pages seemed to overlap making it look unorganized and difficult to follow along with reading the postings. I realize that I shouldn't let this experience taint my perspective about using a Wiki in the classroom as the technology aspect can always be conquered and to use this experience as a learning opportunity. With being said, I have tried a Wiki once with a group of nursing students, but it wasn't the most effective. I equate this to my lack of knowledge and experience with being the facilitator for my students.

My plan for using a Wiki for future use would be to use it with a small group of eight students. I think this would work well as it would be a more controlled environment in which to monitor the progress and postings. I would think that a large group would be very time intensive for the instructor. I would hope that students in the nursing program would engage in professional behaviors with their entries into the Wikis.

For my assessment activity, my revised plan would have students create a nursing care plan together. For a better understanding of what a nursing care plan is; here is some further information. A nursing care plan is based on the nursing process which includes: A-P-I-E which is an acronyn for A - assessment, P - planning, I - interventions and E - evaluation. In other words, it helps nurses decide what needs to be done, how to do it, why they are doing it and determining whether or not the work being done was effective or if revisions need to be made to meet the desired outcome for the patient. To help you understand better, perhaps this table will help

Patient problem: Alteration in Comfort: Pain
Desired Goal: No pain or controlled pain at maximum funtional level of activity
Intervention: Assess pain level q 4 hours and prn with 0-10 pain scale
Rationale: Want pain to be managed so patient can participate in the recovery process
Outcome: Pain controlled, pain ratings past 48 hours were 0-1

Students can add additional interventions, revised the goal based on patient's individual data so it 'fits' the patient; make revisions so the outcome is accomplished, etc.

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