Monday, October 20, 2008

Modfule Five - Taxonomy and Assessments

One of the things I learned from courses in my masters program for nursing was the use of Bloom's taxonomy. I find that with nursing students needing to be prepared for taking their NCLEX state board exams, the use of Blooms is especially important.

Students often complain when exam questions require that higher end of learning with analysis, synthesis or evaluation as it 'forces' them to critically think with application of those key concepts. I find that often times, students can narrow it down to the two most likely responses and by reflecting on how they processed the information is helpful with identifying the best response to the situation being addressed.

I'm just starting to read and review Casey's journalism class with assigned objectives and activities. Just from this brief review, I was not very impressed with the formatting of the document for the class as I found it a challenge to follow and 'connect' what needs to be done with the appropriate learning objective. In other words, too vague for me . . . . . . . . will reflect and process things, and then take another look at it :-)

After reading Casey's curriculum with objectives and activities, the following are some potential activities using Bloom's taxonomy.

Bloom categories . . . . . . . Learning objective verbs . . . . . . . . Activity

(recall, list, define, identify, collect, label)
1. Identify the key points of the Patriot Act
2. Define ethics
3. Define censorship
4. Describe the significance of the first amendment
5. Collect data from class survey on freedom of speech

(summarize, describe interpret, predict, discuss)

1. Discuss how changes in news coverage has impacted on the role of the journalist
2. Describe how the Code of Ethics applies to journalists who report the news to the public
3. Summarize why the Sullivan ruling is important to journalists

(apply, demonstrate, illustrate, classify, experiment, discover)

1. Apply how the first amendment protects the rights of journalists
2. Examine the ethical obligations of the journalist
3. Examine biased writings in the following articles

(analyze, classify, connect, explain, infer)
1. Analyze the case scenarios in regards to violation of ethical standards
2. Examine how the different forms of media have changed the ways information is disseminated to the public

(combine, integrate, plan, create, design, formulate)
1. Formulate a plan for resolving complaints about questionable content or language with news coverage
2. Design a timeline with key events that reflects how news coverage has changed over the years

(assess, recommend, convince, compare, conclude, summarize)
1. Write a three page paper convincing others why the First Amendment should be abolished
2. Explain how the Supreme Court decision impacts on news coverage today


Paula said...

Jeanne: It's so interesting to hear how you use Bloom's to teach for the State Board exams and how your students are able to narrow down to the most likely responses.

Jeanne said...

Since the key to a 'great' nurse is the ability to critically think, we must develop exam questions that force this skill. Often times, though, students are upset saying we are trying to 'trick' them. In essence, I point out their ability to narrow it down to the most logical answers and it's a matter of applying a few more concepts or thinking through it at a deeper level. Our school's board pass rate is higher than the national average . . . . so we have a good foundation for teaching. jeanne