Monday, October 6, 2008

Module Three - Bonk's Perfect Storm

Bonk (2004) stated: "We argue that online learning environments are facing a 'perfect e-storm,' linking pedagogy, technology,and learner needs." Wow, this is a very stimulating and eye catching statement. As an educator, it seems that technology is fast outpacing our capabilities and how quickly we can respond to those changes.

While I would like to add new technology tools, my course management system may not have the capability or the cost is prohibited by the college with our current budget crunches and IT support.

I was surprised to read that online learners are quickly becoming bored with online courses and are desiring more interactive and engaging activities. I think this brings a challenge to online instructors with fulfilling this need and still being able to effectively manage the course. . . . I guess this is the meaning of the 'storm' as discussed with Bonk (2004).

Two emerging technologies that peaked my interest were the use of digital libraries and the use of voice activated computers. I like the idea of using images, video clips or animations to engage the learner with learning a specific concept and that a 'visual' reinforces the written or audio part of learning. Bonk mentions a site called that I would like to explore.

A second technology that I found fascinating is using voice activated computers where a voice command can further refine a search or guide the student in the right direction when exploring a concept by asking questions and getting immediate feedback. I know voice activation is used in our motor vehicles so the technology is glaring at us in other situations as well.

Bonk mentions the third storm in the area of pedagogy and that many online courses still lack sufficient resources to actively engage the learner (p. 3). I know for myself, I would like to incorporate more tools and interactive activities, but lack the knowledge where to find the tools I could use. Certainly this article has opened my eyes to the many possibilities that do exist and it seems almost overwhelming to be able to keep up with the latest developments and strides in technology for the online environment so will need time to sift through and explore the possibilities. My professional development goal is to add one new interactive activity to both of my courses in the spring 2008 semester. Jeanne/EC,WI

1 comment:

Paula said...

You make a good point about including more tools and interactivity in online teaching. It might require a change in our thinking as teachers and in the choice of technology tools used to deliver feedback. I read an article recently about moving from “instructionism” in the linear f2f environment to “constructionism” in the hyper-text online environment. Worth the read if you get a chance: